Tixalia hub fun. Impulsamos el turismo de ocio
Tixalia hub fun. Impulsamos el turismo de ocio
Benidorm Palace

Benidorm Palace

On the night of July 12, 1977, with those intense applause, an emblematic story for culture, for music, for dance and the performing arts, for the expression of an entire active society that released freedoms with the arrival of democracy. . Thousands of kilowatts of light flooded the room, never to go out in these 38 years. After the first years of success in its first decade, the Benidorm Palace consolidated itself as a prestigious party hall and with an incomparable and unique offer on the peninsular coast. The program was varied and had the participation of great stars of the song or international vocal groups and with recognized orchestras, ballets and vedettes from countries with a long tradition in this type of shows.

Dirección Avda. Doctor Severo Ochoa, 13, 03503, Benidorm
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