Tixalia hub fun. Impulsamos el turismo de ocio
Tixalia hub fun. Impulsamos el turismo de ocio
An enigmatic night to the moon of Valencia

An enigmatic night to the moon of Valencia

A night route through the lesser-known Valencia, for the enigmas that we were never told and the darkest stories of the city. Although history tries to silence them, the streets and alleys of the old town do not forget the mysteries and legends lived in its corners throughout the centuries. A guide will transport us to other times to immerse ourselves in cases that have never been solved, terrifying events, appearances and disappearances, and events that even today we find difficult to explain.
Sometimes, the gargoyles that watch from the heights were the only witnesses of those strange phenomena… Tradition or myth? History or legend?

execution of the Spanish Inquisition.

The best way to end this visit is with a glass of Agua de Valencia while we discuss the stories that have given us goosebumps.

Carrer de la Llotja, 2, 46001 València, Valencia, 46001, valencia
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